Thursday, October 17, 2019

Marketing Plan for your new SERVICE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Marketing Plan for your new SERVICE - Essay Example tomers’ sophistication is surging upward, and the need for outsourced call care centers in Philippines and India is raising the necessity for development of language skills and computer training to satisfy the needs of the diverse and tremendously competitive American market. Due to this rapid growth, Americans are finding themselves sub par service due to the language barrier from country to country. It is our opportunity to educate the population of both countries in efforts to lower miscommunications. Our targets are individuals that are not functionally literate, and those that speak a language different than the export (Diola, 2014). We can hope our services are also able to slow the decline of call centers in India, while eager to see both countries grow. CompuLanguage is entering its first year of operation. Our services have been rendered; however marketing will be crucial in the development of our brand and services as well as to make our target market more aware of our brand and services for growth of our customer base. Tutors411 offers an array of services and subject lines to meet individual and organizational needs (Diola, 2014). The call center industry is a profitable business and the Philippines are taking advantage of it. According to Monticello (2012), there are over one hundred countries seeking current dominance in the industry (p.3). Malaysia, Singapore, and China are the Philippines’ primary competitors in the call center market. India has been struggling to keep business. It will lose seventy percent or thirty billion dollars’ worth of all Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO) businesses; particularly call centers (Diola, 2014).   India has regained business due to sales and up-selling strategies. Also, Indian companies have moved to the Philippines. This is one of the key reasons for the steady growth of the call center industry in the Phillipines (Winn, 2014). There are a number of specific competitors that can be described as

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