Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How the Internet has changed my Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

How the Internet has changed my Life - Essay Example 329). I, for a fact, had once never thought that in an instant I could have build friendships with people from different parts of the globe without even spending much money and without fearing that I might be rejected. The Internet has really changed my life and me to something I never thought it could be. Through Internet, I learned to communicate with other people; even with those, I was once afraid due to my cultural biases, which in turn has also drastically changed my negative views. I could say that this has broadened me almost in all ways. If before I only considered myself as an American citizen, now, I became a citizen of the world, because through the Internet, I was also exposed to world realities. Although it might be true that just like in the news, not everything written is true, still these provide me with a broader view of the bigger world where I live. It, in fact, helped me become analytical with events, driving me to search more until I could find explanations to information that I found confusing. This in the process aroused my hunger for truth and knowledge, which I believed helped me become wiser and sharper. Although I did also have some unpleasing experiences in the Interne t, these did not bother me at all, instead taught me how to be more responsible and careful in interacting through the

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